We are Hunspace

Hunspace, the Hungarian Space Cluster, accelerates space-related activities in Hungary, fostering innovation and inspiring future space explorers. As a hub for researchers, entrepreneurs, and educators, we push scientific and technological boundaries We are committed to developing a strong space economy in Hungary, bridging academia, government, industry, and the public. Join us as we aim to transform Hungary into a key player in the global space sector.

Tamás Bárczy



Under the auspices of the Hungarian Astronautical Society, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, every year we publish a Hungarian space overview publication presenting the actors of the Hungarian space sector.

Hunspace members

"Hunspace members are characterized by their agility, potency, and high qualifications, supported by well-trained teams. With a significant history in the space industry and space activities, Hunspace is a testament to excellence and expertise. Our members are exceptionally proactive in international collaborations, demonstrating a forward-thinking approach and a strong commitment to advancing the global space sector."

Hungarian Space Collaboration

36Committed Hunspace members

  • More than 20+ tech domains out of 26 at TRL9 level.

  • Our members are the most attractive companies the Hungarian space industry

  • We have completed over 50+ projects.

  • Most dedicated and passionate team.

  • We spent 500+ month in space.


On-Board Data System
Space System Software
Spacecraft Electrical Power
Spacecraft Environment
Space System Control
Electomagnetic Technologies
Systeme Design & Verification
Flight Dynamics an GNSS
Ground Station System
Automation, Robotics
Life & Physical Sciences
Mechanisms & Tribology
Structures & Pyrotechnics
Materials & Processes
Quality, Dependability
Earth Observation
Space Chemistry
Aedus Space Kft.                  X    
ADMATIS Ltd.                XXX  X 
BORSODI MŰHELY Ltd.                     X 
C3S LLC.XXX  X               X 
“DINAS” Ltd.                     X 
eCon Engineering Ltd.         X X  XXXX     
EUROSZER-96 Ltd.                X      
GOODWILL-TRADE Ltd.           X    X      
H-Ion Ltd.                       
HUNGARO LUX LIGHT Ltd.                       
Matulay Innovations Ltd.                       
Metalloexpert Ltd.                       
QP. Ltd.         X        X    
Sagax Ltd.                       
Skyint Ltd.                       
STU Repülés-technológiai felületkezelő Ltd.                       
TECHNOPLAST GROUP Ltd.           X    X X    
TKI-Ferrit Ltd.                       
Airbus DS Geo Hungary Ltd.                    X  
GeoData Ltd.                    X  
Lechner Nonprofit Ltd.                    X  
Atommagkutató Intézet.                       
Bay Zoltán Public Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research                X X    
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara                       
Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXX X  
Ecotech Co.     X                 
Innobay Hungary Ltd.                       
Innostudio Ltd.                      X
Orion Űrnemzedék Alapítvány                       
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences                       
Research Centre for Natural Sciences                       
University of Debrecen                       
University of Miskolc          X   X   XX   



Upstream  Downstream  Research


Our board members

Bárczy Tamás


Hargitai Péter

Board Member

Horváth Gyula

Board Member

Bella Szabolcs

Board Member

Kiss László

Board Member

Dr. Eged Bertalan

Board Member

Kiglics Gábor

Board Member