Sagax Communications is a dedicated community of professionals, who work tirelessly to invent and create affordable, cutting-edge radio electronics equipment and integrated systems. Together we have decades of hands-on experience delivering working solutions to the toughest missions and environments.
Sagax Communications deliver advanced radio electronic solutions with mature mainstream commercial technology. Our innovation is based on internationally recognized research and development of the software defined radio technology. The product portfolio is proved on the field and real missions.
At Sagax Communications we are focusing on advanced radio frequency communication system mainly on the physical layer from electromagnetic wave and propagation trough the antenna array and systems towards beam forming phased array, digitization and streaming the signals. For all these aspect we apply software defined radio (SDR) technology and latest multi-channel phase coherent radio platform technology. We deliver integrated systems based on our own designs and third party supplied products.
In the last 30 years we were involved lot of different national and international (NATO, EDA, ESA, EU) project. We can claim our readiness to work effectively on innovation and project management connected to this kind of activity.
Space industry contact person: Dr. Bertalan Eged, CEO.
Phone number: +36 30 172 0718.