H-ION Ltd.

Relevance to the space industry

R&D of new generation superalloys application in metal 3D printing. Property design and estimation methodology for alloys (heat dissipation, heat storage, hydrogen storage, thermoelectric materials, radiation shielding

Development of flow chemistry equipment and technologies

Development of nanoporous alumina insulating materials new metal-ion batteries with increased energy density for space applications

Design of custom engineering solutions atpicosatellite scale, materials testing for high temperature functional and structural applications

Succes stories

Achived Results

The mission of ATL-1 with three different insulation materials , the results evaluated and published in peer review journal.
The mission of MRC-100 with special nanoporous pure aluminium-oxide fibre insulation is in progress.

Successful collaborations

MRC-100 pico satellites were successfully launched with H-ion’s battery insulation materials onboard.

Succesful projects

The ATL-1 mission was a collaboration between Advanced Technology of Laser Ltd., Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Eötvös Loránd University.

H-ION Kutató, Fejlesztő & Innovációs Kft.

Space industry contact person: Holló Annamária
Phone number: +36 20 493 5995
E-mail: annamaria.hollo@h-ion.hu

List of Competence

TD-3.C Energy Storage Technologies

TD-21.D Heat Storage and Rejection

TD-24.A Novel Materials and Materials Technology

TD-24.B Materials Processes

TD-24.D Ground and Space Environmental Effects on Materialsand Processes

TD-24.E Modelling of Materials Behaviour and Properties

TD-24.I Advanced Manufacturing Technologies