GeoData Services Ltd.

GeoData Services offers high quality solutions for customers with geoinformation database requirements in the following areas:

  • utilities, agriculture, landuse and territorial planning, and other professions,
  • quality management and process controlling,
  • remote sensing/Earth observation.

Our purpose is to develop such advanced technologies and solution for our professional customers that they can use their data in a more efficient way and at a higher technological level.

For several years we perform our services according to ISO-9000, ISO 27001 and IT-security standards.

Relevance to the space industry

GeoData uses the advatantages of satellite data. The company offers all major high and very high resolution commercial satellite images, available as programmed (future) or archive (already existing) data.

The company has finished several projects supported by ESA, in which images from ESA’s satellites Sentinel1 and Sentinel 2 were used.

GeoData Services has been offering remote sensing services of since 1997. According to our experience remote sensing and Earth observation data can support tasks effectively in the following areas:

  • State administration,
  • Agriculture,
  • Industry

Succes stories

Achived Results
  • Decades of unbroken realitonship with different German ministries of agriculture (Saarland, Mecklenburg, Saxony)
  • The longtime business relationship includes data processing services related to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), including the latest technological solutions (AI, machine learning).
  • Manufacturing of Satellite Copernicus CO2M, carbon dioxide monitoring satellite (The partial tasks of the project completed according to schedule)
  • Successful participation in the tender KKM_GINOP-1.3.7-19-2020-00001


ESA – continuous relationship with ESA. New and ongoing EO projects supported by ESA


  • Vegetation projects – Vegetation monitoring service for E.ON. GeoAdat has been given the honour of assessing, documenting and mapping the data models of two spatially separate but identical grid registration systems. The company is also responsible for the periodic change management of the network register data of E.ON ELMŰ Hálózati Kft. and the network register
  • processing and change management of the optical networks operated by ELMŰ Hálózati Kft.

GeoData Services Ltd.

Space industry contact person: Hargitai Péter. Phone number: +36-30-602-1020 E-mail:

List of Competence

agricultural control

data processing

Earth Observation

projects supported by ESA

HR images

quality control

remote sensing

using satellite data

VHR images