History: Ecotech Co wasestablishedbythe University of Dunaujvaros, whichstandsbehindourwork. Thatmeans, besidesthewellestablishedshakertests, climatetests, scanningultrasound testing, thatourcompany is readytosolvespecialproblems of ourcustomers, sincethereare more than 300 expertsworkingattheuniversity, whoarereadytohelpuswithanyquestions. Thereareelectormicroscopes and there is a Thermomechanical Simulator withNanoprocessing (Gleeble 3800), or Zeiss ScanningElectronMicroscope, WeldingLaboratoryAltogether, 15000 kEuroinvested in equipment, and 40000 kEuroforotherinfrastructuresatthe University, whichallcan be involved in solvingrare and interestingproblems in industry and spaceresearch.
Research and Development in NaturalSciences and Engineering Research and DevelopmentDivision: Lifelong R&D Laboratory (vibration and heat and environmental testing of components) Surface Laboratory (salt testing, surfaceexamination); MAID Laboratory (allkinds of non-destructive testing, ultrasound, acousticemission, eddycurrent, heat camera, fast camera, testing); E-engineeringconsulting (finalelementanalysis, mechanical and heatanalysis of systems) Education division: Adulteducation (welding, CNC programming, CAD-CAM informatics, cameraman, sportsmanager, tax-officer, etc.); On-line studium (developing e-learning, on-line courses, polymedia, green-boxtechniques); LanguageCourses
Succes stories
Achived Results
Development of thermal and optical elements of satellites, Financed by GOP-1.1.1- 11-2012-0078, Lead by ADMATIS Ltd.
Investigation of high performance structural materials, Financed by: TAMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0027 Lead by University of Dunaujvaros.
From material properties to application. Financed by: TAMOP-4-2-2.A-11/1/KONV2012-0071, lead by University Dunaujvaros
Ecotech Nonprofit Zrt.
Space industry contact person: Dr. Pór Gábor
Phone number: +36 30 399 6866
20.1 Structural design and verification methods and tools; Damage tolerance and health monitoring
20.2 Advanced structural concepts and materials TD 21 Thermal: Thermal Analysis Tools Non-destructive assessment, structural and condition monitoring
TD 20 tructures & Pyrotechnics
TD 8 System Design & verification
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