InnoStudio Inc. is a member of the ThalesNano Group, being one of the largest upstream technology networks in the CE region in Europe. It is a high-risk, high-gain corporation focusing on the development of flow chemical reactors for space and pharmaceutical applications, also for educational purposes, chemical formulation methods in microgravity, and nanotechnology for agrochemical innovation.
Our space chemistry related activities serve the development of innovative technologies for sustainability both in space and on Earth and ensure human well-being at long-term. We are committed to realise syntheses of important pharmaceutical ingredients and other chemicals in space by our novel and miniaturized flow chemical tool. Our company, first worldwide, initiated COVID-19 drug research in space in order to improve drug efficacy. We take role of coordinating both the national and international space chemistry community, so as of organizing related scientific symposiums (USA, 2017-2021).
Chemical formulation experiments on the International Space Station (ISS) with the participation of the Japan Manned Space Systems Corpoaration (JAMSS), CycloLab Kft., and later the Natural Science Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Space industry contact person: Dr. Balázs Buchholcz
Phone number: +36-70-6093-413