EUROIL Industrial & Trade Co. Ltd.

History: Ecotech Co was established by the University of Dunaujvaros, which stands behind our work. That means, besides the well established shaker tests, climate tests, scanning ultrasound testing, that our company is ready to solve special problems of our customers, since there are more than 300 experts working at the university, who are ready to help us with any questions. There are elector microscopes and there is a Thermomechanical Simulator with Nanoprocessing (Gleeble 3800), or Zeiss Scanning Electron Microscope, Welding Laboratory Altogether, 15000 kEuro invested in equipment, and 40000 kEuro for other infrastructures at the University, which all can be involved in solving rare and interesting problems in industry and space research.

Research and Development in Natural Sciences and Engineering Research and Development Division: Lifelong R&D Laboratory (vibration and heat and environmental testing of components) Surface Laboratory (salt testing, surface examination); MAID Laboratory (all kinds of non-destructive testing, ultrasound, acoustic emission, eddy current, heat camera, fast camera, testing); E-engineering consulting (final element analysis, mechanical and heat analysis of systems) Education division: Adult education (welding, CNC programming, CAD-CAM informatics, cameraman, sports manager, tax-officer, etc.); On-line studium (developing e-learning, on-line courses, polymedia, green-box techniques); Language Courses

Succes stories

Achived Results
  • Development of thermal and optical elements of satellites, Financed by GOP-1.1.1- 11-2012-0078, Lead by ADMATIS Ltd.
  • Investigation of high performance structural materials, Financed by: TAMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0027 Lead by University of Dunaujvaros.
  • From material properties to application. Financed by: TAMOP-4-2-2.A-11/1/KONV2012-0071, lead by University Dunaujvaros

Ecotech Nonprofit Zrt.

Space industry contact person: Dr. Pór Gábor. Phone number: +36 30 399 6866.

List of Competence

11.1 Measurements

14.4 Applied Physical Science Technology

15.7 Mechanism engineering

20.1 Structural design and verification methods and tools; Damage tolerance and health monitoring

20.1 Structural design astructural and condition monitoringand verification methods and tools; Damage tolerance and health monitoring

TD 20 tructures & Pyrotechnics

TD 8 System Design & verification